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Qualitative Data Collected by Variable for Brazil

Country Laws and Regulations

General Law protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

  • Brazilian law that ratifies the UNCRPD
  • -Decree 6.949/2009 – Enacted according to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, signed in New York, on March 30, 2007, of which Brazil is one of the signatory countries Decree 6949
  • -Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Law No. 13,146/2015) Law No. 13146

Definition of ICT accessibility:

Definition of Reasonable Accommodation:


Universal Service Obligation includes Persons with Disabilities:

Please also consult:

Country Capacity to Implement

  • Government agency for Persons with Disabilities:

Government Agency for Persons with Disabilities

  • Government agency for Accessible ICTs:


  • Process to involve DPOs in ICT accessibility policy making:

National Council Rights of People with Disabilities (CONADE)

  • Country refers to international ICT accessibility standards:

-ISO: International Organization for Standardization

-ABNT: Brazilian Association of technical standardization

-ABNT CB 40: It is a work force for accessibility

-W3C has a Brazilian Chapter

  • ICT accessibility courses available at universities or professional education services: In Brazil, there are ICT accessibility courses offered by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and few other universities such as Goias Federal University (UFG).

Country Policy and Programs Outcomes

  • Web:

-Country Program: Web Accessibility Government Model in Brazil

  • TV and multimedia:

-Country Program: It is coordinated by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication(MCTIC) TV Accessibility

  • Mobile telephony:

-Country Programs: Occasionally, there is an App being launched to help addressed specific tasks or needs, mainly promoted by the private sector (startups).

  • E-books and digital contents:

-Country Policies: Decree No. 7.724, of 16 of May of 2012 – Regulates Law No 12.527, which addresses access to information

  • Promoting the Internet Availability and Usage among Persons with Disabilities:

-Country Programs: There are many non-profit organizations promoting digital literacy; however, they tend to be small in scale and spread-out. Most are e-mail lists and WhatsApp groups led by private individuals which offer free technical support and guidance for various digital platforms, including mobile and desktop.

  • Inclusive ICTs for all in education:

-Country Policies/Programs: Both public and private. Mainly there is federal funding for some initiatives in both public and private universities, with a small portion of that funding also reaching private non-profits, as far as development of new technologies and support of existing ones refer. There is also fairly purchasing of hardware for use in public schools, but I do not have reliable information on how many schools are served. National Plan for Inclusive Education in Brazil

  • Enabling ICTs for all in employment:

-Country Programs: National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) SENAI, Program of Inclusive Actions (PSAI) facilitates access for people with disabilities to SENAI courses. It provides books on inclusive professional education; dictionaries of Brazilian sign language with specific terms in electronic and other industrial areas; e-learning courses about inclusion for teachers. SENAI schools provide a wide range of skills training courses.

  • E-government and Smart Cities for all:

-Country Policy: Smart City Manifesto in Brazil

  • Enabling Assistive Technologies and ICTs for independent living:

-Country Program: Program Promoting Independent Living in Brazil

  • Procurement of accessible public goods and services for all citizens:

-Country Programs: there are few programs promoted in the public sector with no actual requirements to fulfill accessibility. Programs are still at a developmental stage.