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Qualitative Data Collected by Variable for Czech Republic

Country Laws and Regulations

  • General Law protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Law that Protect the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Cezech Republic)

  • Definition of ICT accessibility:

-Czech Accessibility Law (Czech Accessibility Law)

  • Definition of Reasonable Accommodation:

-Accessibility Law (Czech Accessibility Law) Antidiscrimination Act (Antidiscrimination Act)

  • Universal Service Obligation includes Persons with Disabilities:

-Digital Communication Act (Digital Communication Act)

Country Capacity to Implement

  • Government agency for accessible ICTs:

eGovernment Department at Ministry of Interior (Czech e-Govenrment Department), Governance Accessibility Expert Group (Accessibility Expert Group)

  • Process to involve DPOs in ICT accessibility policy making:

Governance Accessibility Expert Group Accessibility Expert Group

  • Country refers to international ICT accessibility standards:

Accessibility Law (Accessibility Law) refers to WCAG 2

  • ICT accessibility courses available at universities or professional education services:

There are accessibility courses offered at major universities (Masaryk University, Czech Technical University) as well as by professional education services (CZ.NIC Academy)

Country Policy and Programs Outcomes

  • Web:

-Country Policies: In the year 2008 the web presentation underwent a heuristic testing, which was done by the United Organization of the Blind and Visually Impaired. The result of the testing attributed to the web presentation the accessibility of a medium level, which according to the international methodology WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) corresponds to the AA level.

  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day, GAAD (AGORA 2020)
  • TV and multimedia:

-Country Policy: Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting > requirements to provide closed captions / sign language / audio description to a certain amount of programs

-Country Program: Only public media providers are required by law to ensure that their broadcasts are accessible to persons with disabilities. In the Czech Republic, for example, the public television station Czech Television must add subtitles to a minimum of 70% of their broadcasts and on the hand, sign language interpretation has a very low requirement.

  • Mobile telephony:

-Country Policies: In Czech Republic, the designated telecom provider must provide the appropriate equipment for persons with disabilities as per the requirements set out by public notice 161/2005 Sb specifying the mechanical and sound features of the special devices. The features have to be in compliance with all types of disabilities.

-Country Programs: An area where mainly mobile network operators are active and offer discounts or accessibility services at their shops, cheap mobile data, etc.

As for the accessibility of mobile devices, people mostly use the ordinary one (iPhone with VoiceOver and other accessibility features, phones with Android). In addition, there is also a Czech company BlindShell which has developed mobile phones designed for the blind and visually impaired users.

  • E-books and digital contents:

-Country Programs: There are several online libraries offerings e-books/ digital documents. The largest one is the Digital Book Library running by Czech Blind United. Besides, there are several smaller ones (for e.g. DKZP). Universities also have online libraries and the Teiresiás, Masaryk University is running Daleth - Library Gateway for visually impaired. Daleth serves as the interface for searching the catalogues of participating libraries.

  • Promoting the Internet among Persons with Disabilities:


  • Inclusive ICTs for all in education:

-Country Program: Czech Republic_Assessment within Inclusive Education Systems

  • Enabling ICTs for all in employment:


  • E-government and Smart Cities for all:


  • Enabling Assistive Technologies and ICTs for independent living:


  • Procurement of accessible public goods and services for all citizens: