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Malaysia Holds First AI for Accessibility Hackathon

November 12, 2019

In a bid to create a more inclusive world using artificial intelligence (AI), an American multinational technology company has hosted its first-ever AI for Accessibility hackathon in Malaysia.

The hackathon saw teams of IT professionals, university students and young developers working side-by-side with universities, international organisations, start-ups and non-profit organisations to tackle more than 23 different problem statements, identifying opportunities to use AI to build a more inclusive and accessible world.

The hackathon was held concurrently across the Asia Pacific and saw over 400 participants in eight countries being brought together to conceptualise and prototype AI solutions that can transform the daily lives of people with disabilities.

In Malaysia, the teams worked on problem statements provided by the Malaysian Federation for the Deaf. Technology solutions were developed to address challenges relating to daily life, communication and employment challenges for the deaf community and people with hearing disabilities.

Malaysia has a significant population of deaf or hard of hearing individuals, many of whom do not rely on technology to assist in communication accessibility due to either a lack of awareness or because these solutions are unaffordable.

Through the AI for Accessibility hackathon, it is hoped that talented Malaysian minds a chance to shine with their innovation as well as find better and more affordable solutions that can help level the playing field for people with hearing disabilities.

Among the winning teams was Team AI.D, who developed an AI app that helps deaf individuals perceive their environment and be more aware, enabling them to respond and act to stimulus.

On the other hand, Team Smart Ears of XiaMen University developed a smart wearable that translates sign language to text and speech to text/sign language using emotion and sound detection.

Team IHearU developed an AI application which provides Malaysian sign language interpretation through computer vision and machine learning.

The above prototypes, as well as the winning entries from each market, are eligible to apply for the American multinational tech firm’s AI for Accessibility grants, to bring their ideas one step closer to reality.

The Hackathon was judged by a panel of experts from the tech firm and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, as well as the Deputy Director, Information Management Division (ICT) at the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development, who is deaf and mute himself.

The participants were also given a chance to feel what it is like to be visually impaired by wearing masks with small holes poked in them, to help them experience the challenges these people face and in turn, think of solutions that can be developed to help these people.

Commenting on the Hackathon was a doctor from the Ministry of Human Resources Policy Division who said that Malaysia is certainly heading in the right direction when it comes to technological development and digital transformation.

However, in addition to development, there must be empowerment – especially for those who are differently-abled. In line with the government’s vision for ‘Shared Prosperity’, it is truly encouraging to see both private and public institutions work together in Hackathons such as this, for the betterment of Malaysian society as a whole.

Malaysia’s Chief Marketing Operations Officer stated the nation has the opportunity to bring about change at a grand scale, to create more inclusive classrooms and workplaces and to impact education and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

However, the process must be a collaborative effort that involves the brightest minds in the industry. That is the underpinning idea behind the AI for Accessibility hackathon, which looks into how AI can empower people with disabilities with tools that support independence and productivity.

OpenGov Academy

In line with Malaysia’s smart nation efforts of encouraging AI technology adoption, OpenGov has launched its OpenGov Academy, in collaboration with AlphaZetta.

The OpenGov Academy facilitates and promotes AI masterclasses, workshops and customised courses that are conducted by AlphaZetta and supported by OpenGov.

This academy will feature masterclasses across various levels: C-suite, management, business, and, expert.

The classes have been created to impart understanding – taught in an intuitive, accessible way, keeping formulae and mathematics to a bare minimum and taking an innate, visual approach.

Data literacy, AI and data science, and strategic decision making with data are some of the classes offered by the academy.

For more information, visit: OpenGov Academy

Source: Open Gov Asia