UNESCO Launches Indicators Towards Assessments of Internet Development
April 09, 2019
Over three years, UNESCO has developed a framework of Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators, using a global, open, inclusive and multistakeholder process which tapped the world’s wisdom. The result is a research instrument which contains 303 indicators (109 identified as core ones).
These cover the categories of R.O.A.M (Rights, Openness, Accessibility, Multi-stakeholder) as well as contextual and cross-cutting indicators to address gender equality and the needs of children and young people, economic dimensions, trust and security, as well as legal and ethical aspects of the Internet.
This unique and powerful resource was welcomed by the UNESCO Member States in UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) in November 2018. The UNESCO IPDC Council has taken the decision to endorse the voluntary application of the ROAM-X indicators by stakeholders interested in conducting national assessments of Internet development, using these international standards, and encouraged financial contributions to make this happen.

The ROAMX Framework of the Internet Universality Indicators
The publication presents in detail ROAM-X indicators and provides sources and means of verification which may be used in the assessment of indicators. To facilitate the national assessment of ROAM-X indicators, the publication also includes an implementation guide which sets out eight steps of the process and concrete deliverables for a national assessment.
The ROAM-X indicators assessment can contribute to shaping the Internet so that it helps achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 16.10 which calls for public access to information and fundamental freedoms.
The full publication is currently available in English and will be shortly delivered in other languages: French, Spanish and Portuguese.
A print-friendly version (without pictures) is also available at this link. UNESCO invites interested Member States, stakeholders, actors and research teams to express their interest in conducting national assessment of the Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators in their countries. Your feedback can be sent to UNESCO’s focal points Xianhong Hu ([email protected](link sends e-mail)) and Lucy Levinson ([email protected](link sends e-mail)).
Your general enquires can be sent to [email protected](link sends e-mail)
To keep updated on the future implementation process of Internet Universality Indicators, stakeholders can sign up to the Internet Universality community and receive periodic emails about developments:https://en.unesco.org/feedback/join-our-internet-universality-community.
Source: UNESCO