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Court Ruling Provides Accessible Voting Machines for Voters with Visual Impairment

February 27, 2019

The U.S. Justice Department says it's resolved a complaint with the city of Concord stemming from 2015 alleging that the city failed to provide an accessible voting machine for a voter who is blind.

Click here for NHPR's previous coverage of this story.

Under the agreement, reached Tuesday, the city is to provide voting machines that are accessible to voters who are blind or visually impaired. As of the September primary elections, New Hampshire polling places featured a system for blind and vision-impaired voters called One4All.

It involves tablets that voters can use to enlarge the size of the lettering on the ballot. For blind voters, the software reads through all the names, cuing them to hit the enter key when their choice is read.

Source: New Hampshire Public Radio

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United States Voting