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University of Arizona Researchers Help Develop Glasses

The University of Arizona has helped develop glasses so legally blind people can see.

In the halls of the James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, you will find cases filled with glasses from the past. But now, the department is helping develop the future and the glasses couldn’t look any more different.

The goggles are from E-sight and UA researchers helped make the internal optics.

Basically, there are cameras on the front of the goggles and they help project a real-time image on the inside. Users can zoom in and adjust the contrast to see better.

“You think you are doing science, and you think you are doing research, and I think not many people realize, but I think speaking from a scientists point of view, having something that can touch people’s lives is almost like a dream to us,” said UA optical researcher Hong Hua.

These glasses help people with low vision.

Researchers said it took about four years to develop the technology.

Source: Kold