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Daily Headlines

Samsung’s Experimental C-Lab Projects Include Accessibility Gadgets

January 04, 2018

Samsung's highlights for CES 2018 include two projects highlighting health and accessibility. Read More

Source: Mobile Syrup

Broadway is Becoming More Accessible through Its Partnership with Podcasting Leader Audible

January 03, 2018

A recent partnership between podcast leader Audible and Broadway theaters are helping make Broadway plays more accessible through the medium of audio plays. Read More

Source: Pacific Standard

KLM Introduces Films with Audio Description for Blind Passengers

January 02, 2018

KLM airlines will be introducing films with audio description via the Inflight Entertainment on intercontinental flights. Read More

Source: KLM

Ensuring the Accessibility of All Learning Content

January 02, 2018

Key parts of the learning industry are implementing and building upon standards while implementing new ones as well. Read More

Source: Research Information

Digitally Inaccessible: A Closer Look at Smartphone Accessibility in Canada

January 01, 2018

Smartphones and access to affordable data plans are a necessity in today’s world -- even more for persons with disabilities. Read More

Source: Mobile Syrup