G3ict’s Digital Accessibility Rights Education (DARE) Academy Announces Call for Applications to Cycle 3 of the Scholarship Fund
G3ict´ DARE Academy Scholarship Fund aims to support individuals from developed and emerging economies in gaining knowledge and professional credentials in digital accessibility relevant to their advocacy work as part of national organizations of persons with disabilities.

ATLANTA (March 15, 2023) —
The Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict)´s Digital Accessibility Rights Education (DARE) Academy is pleased to announce the call for applications to Cycle 3 of its Scholarship Fund.
The Scholarship is dedicated to opening new potentials for persons with disabilities who are interested in and passionate about advocating for digital accessibility and getting certified as professionals in this field. Dedicated to targeting national organizations of persons with disabilities’ officers, advocates, and, volunteers this scholarship fund offers scholarships covering 100% of the costs to G3ict’s International Association of Accessibility Professionals’ education material and examination process in partnership with Princeton University.
The Scholarship aims to make available to officers, advocates, and volunteers of national organizations of Persons with Disabilities the same quality of IAAP and G3ict training and certification resources available to private or public sector executives and academic personnel.
To be considered for the DARE Academy Scholarship, applicants must:
- Be a person with disability.
- Have the minimum of secondary education degree and be a minimum of 18 years to apply.
- Be a member, officer, or volunteer at a national organization of persons with disabilities, and actively engaged in the field of digital accessibility.
- Demonstrate a passion for promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to digital accessibility and inclusion.
The Scholarship is currently open to applicants taking the English language version of the IAAP CPACC certification exam. The application process which may take approximately 30 minutes includes two sections:
- CPACC professional certification application (section 1)
- DARE advocacy application (section 2)
The applicant must be approved first through the certification application (section 1), before moving forward to the DARE Academy Scholarship application form (section 2). Applications will be reviewed, and candidates will be short listed, based on a decision made by a jury consisting of representatives of major international organizations of persons with disabilities as well as disability and development organizations.
All applications must be filled online at the following link. The Scholarship application is open until April 15th 2023. All Scholarship Awardees are anticipated to complete their exam process during the CPACC exam cycles opened between September 1st through December 31st, 2023.
For any questions or further clarifications, please visit the Scholarship Fund Webpage or email us at [email protected].
About G3ict
G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies – is an advocacy initiative launched in December 2006, in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at UN DESA. Its mission is to facilitate and support the implementation of the dispositions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) promoting digital accessibility and Assistive Technologies. Participating organizations include industry, academia, the public sector, and organizations representing persons with disabilities. G3ict promotes good practices in digital accessibility policies and programs and provides tools for advocates around the world, including through its Global Policy Center (GPC) that defines and deploys worldwide good practices, tools, and model policies for accessibility and inclusion. G3ict’s Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index (DARE Index) benchmarks countries' progress. Through its division IAAP, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, G3ict offers professional development resources and certification to more than 2,000 members in 46 countries. For more information, please visit the G3ict website.
Mahtab Irani, Digital Outreach Manager, G3ict, [email protected]