Adobe® is an industry leader in accessibility and supports the creation of outstanding web experiences by encouraging web developers to produce rich, engaging content that is accessible to all. Website

At AT&T, accessibility is more than a word—it's a commitment to our customers with disabilities to provide the wireless products and services they need and to anticipate and meet their communication needs. From working with vendors and AT&T's Advisory Panel on Access and Aging on accessibility solutions to providing alternate billing formats, we're committed to helping this important group of AT&T customers. Website

BarrierBreak Solutions Private Limited (formerly Net Systems Informatics (I) Private Limited), was founded in 1995 when the growing impact of technology in the lives of persons with disabilities was realized. The pioneer to initiate accessibility in India, BarrierBreak has been set up with a single vision to "break the barriers of knowledge and disabilities." Website

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions. Microsoft's commitment to accessibility is "To enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential - means we strive to create technology that is accessible for everyone, including people who experience the world in different ways because of impairments or disabilities." Microsoft understands the importance of technology in creating opportunities for disabled people to excel. Microsoft has an Accessibility Business Unit (ABU) which works to incorporate accessible solutions in all of the company's products and initiatives. Microsoft's accessibility website highlights the company's provided accessible software solutions and assistive technology products. The Web site also offers accessibility tutorials and training for Microsoft's products, information about accessibility resource centers, case studies, recent articles and accessibility information for developers. Website

Vispero combines two Latin words: visio and spero. Visio means “the vision"; and spero, “hope". At Vispero we are driven in our mission of providing hope, determination, and independence through their complementary family of brands. Vispero is the world’s largest assistive technology provider for the visually impaired. Although officially formed in 2016, our brands Freedom Scientific, Enhanced Vision, Optelec, and TPG Interactive, share a long, rich history as industry leaders dating back to 1975. Vispero is proud to operate in 90 countries worldwide, with products localized in over 24 languages. Website