Spain: The Center for Subtitling and Audio Description Releases its 2019 Report on Accessibile Content on Television
January 15, 2020
The Spanish Center for Subtitling and Audio Description (CESyA) has made public the data of the 2019 report on the evolution of accessibility services for people with sensory disabilities (auditory and visual) to DTT.
There is a notable increase in the number of hours subtitled and interpreted in Spanish Sign Language (LSE) on Spanish television but the percentage of audio-programming programming for blind or visually impaired people has decreased.
Despite the increase in people who have diseases with low vision due to age-related pathologies, as well as children and young people who have juvenile macular dystrophies that do not allow them to see the center of the screen, the offer of television programming with Accessibility with audio description is very poor.
According to the General Law of Audiovisual Communication requires that 90% of broadcasts on public channels are subtitled and 75% on commercial channels. In the same way, television audiovisual communication services with autonomous coverage, whether public or private commercial, must have a minimum of two hours of audiodescribed daily and all those corresponding to informative programs
According to the latest CESyA public report , 83.53% of programming on digital terrestrial television has subtitles (1.19% more than in 2018), a figure that is reduced to 7.07% in terms of audio description for people with visual impairment (0.59% less compared to the previous period) and 4.74% regarding sign language interpretation (which has increased 1.15%).
The CESyA, a center dependent on the Royal Patronage on Disability of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare , managed by the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), and which has the collaboration of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) , is the center responsible for monitoring the status of these services in our country. Through computer tool Savat , the CESyA collects data on captioning, the audio description and LSE in emissions TDT since 2010. In that period of time, the accessibility of more than 1,670,800 hours of television has been analyzed to monitor compliance with the minimum levels of accessibility for people with disabilities established by the Law.
Source: Periodistas