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Daily Headlines

As Tech Giants Focus on Accessibility Tools, the Equation Changes for Education

September 12, 2018

With assistive technology going mainstream as large technology companies actively promote accessibility, educators and school administrators are finding it simpler to fix accessibility problems. Read More

Source: Ed Scoop

Students at University of Waterloo Develops Technology to Help Visually Impaired use Touchscreens

September 10, 2018

Developed by a team of students at the University of Waterloo, WatVision is a system that uses text to speech technology to enable individuals to access the touchscreen functions on everyday devices. Read More

Source: CBC

How Tech Leaders are Being More Inclusive and Satisfying Legal and Market Imperatives

September 10, 2018

Technology leaders have leveraged latest advances like voice recognition to deliver tools to assist persons with disabilities driven by a desire to be more inclusive and satisfy legal imperatives. Read More

Source: USA Today

Ireland: New Initiative Uses Smartphones to Improve Navigation for Wheelchair Users

September 07, 2018

With an aim to make accessibility visible and searchable online, the new Irish app Route4U allows smartphone users to record path obstacles to improve navigation for wheelchair users. Read More

Source: Silicon Republic

US: How University of Maryland Professors are Improving their Websites for Students with Disabilities

September 06, 2018

A University of Maryland policy has set minimum accessibility standards for all newly created web-based content at the university, and faculty members are seeking ways to enhance existing sites. Read More

Source: The Diamondback

Research on ICTs for Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar Launched

September 04, 2018

​LIRNEasia has launched the findings of the research on ICT accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Myanmar following questions on disability specific research. Read More


A Push to Make 'Computer Science for All' Accessible to Students With Disabilities

September 04, 2018

​ An accessibility consortium is pushing US school vendors, investors and school districts to commit to supporting improved accessibility of computer science education for students with disabilities. Read More

Source: Ed Week

India: Court Asks Government to Make Websites Accessible to Persons with Disabilities

September 03, 2018

The Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra government to ensure its websites are accessible to persons with disabilities, based on a Public Interest Litigation filed by an NGO. Read More

Source: The Indian Express

Communication Aids: Global Market and Trends in AI, IoT

September 03, 2018

The global market for augmentative communication devices for persons with disabilities is growing rapidly and providers must imbibe principles of universal design and accessible user experience. Read More

Source: Rehacare

2018 Australian Digital Inclusion Index: Persons with Disabilities Missing Essential Benefits

September 03, 2018

The 2018 Australian Digital Inclusion Index shows that nearly 2.5 million Australians, many persons with disabilities and who are not online, are missing out on accessing essential government services Read More

Source: Smart Company