Nirmita Narasimhan

Senior Fellow and Program Director Asia-Pacific, G3ict
Dr. Nirmita Narasimhan has over a decade of experience working on issues of accessibility for persons with disabilities. She was a founding member of the Bangalore based not-for-profit research organization Centre for Internet and Society, where she built up the Accessibility and Inclusion program on digital accessibility, which gained significant recognition within India and internationally. Nirmita has considerable expertise in Policy making, Capacity building for multi-stakeholder groups and researching various aspects of digital inclusion for persons with disabilities. Nirmita has served on several Government committees, such as the committee to draft the National Policy on Universal Electronics accessibility and the committee to revise the Guidelines for Indian Government websites and has been involved in drafting of key ICT accessibility related policies both for the Government of India, as well as other country governments; she has provided inputs and submissions on key policy issues on ICT accessibility, education, employment, copyright, procurement, smart cities and telecom.
Nirmita has contributed to several key G3ict publications such as the report on Making Mobile phones accessible for persons with disabilities; and the reports on accessibility to financial services, disaster and emergency preparedness, Universal Service; web accessibility policy making and the e-accessibility handbook for policy makers. She participated in the negotiation process for the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works For Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired or otherwise Print Disabled, at the World Intellectual Property Organization. In her capacity as ITU consultant, she has prepared reports on making ICTs and mobile phones accessible for persons with disabilities in Nepal and Afghanistan and also prepared reports for UNESCO. Nirmita participates regularly as an expert speaker on accessibility in national and international events. She also performs and teaches classical music. She has been given several awards in recognition of her work such as the National Award from the President of India in 2010, the NIVH Excellence award in 2011, the NCPEDP-Emphasis Universal Design award in 2016 and has been selected to receive the prestigious NCPEDP-Mindtree Helen Keller award at New Delhi on 2nd December 2017.
Nirmita also serves on the board of CPR South and the Centre for Internet and Society.
Nirmita holds a Ph.D. degree in Karnatic classical music and a Bachelors degree in Law from Delhi University and a BA (hons) degree in German from Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Related blogs of Nirmita Narasimhan
17 August 2020
The Broadband India Forum (BIF) -' A Think-Tank for Digital Transformation' in India, during a special session of The Digital Dialogue on Monday, August 10, 2020 released a White Paper titled 'Priorities for a COVID-19 World: ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in India'. The paper is a... Read More
06 February 2020
The Ministry for Information and Broadcasting (MIB), Government of India, notified the Policy titled 'Accessibility Standards for Persons with Disabilities in Television Programmes' in September 2019. The Policy, a most welcome initiative on the part of the Government of India, underwent a lengthy p... Read More
12 September 2019
India’s accessible online library ‘Sugamya Pustakalaya’ (SP) recently celebrated its third birthday on August 24, 2019. The library, which was a project driven by the Daisy Forum of India in partnership with the Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment and powered by TCS Access Infinity, has cove... Read More
02 May 2019
India, the world’s largest democracy, is currently in the process of conducting its 17th General Elections. India is also home to a very large number of persons with disabilities, who have over the years found it difficult to exercise their franchise due to lack of support in making the election pro... Read More
01 February 2019
India was one of the first countries to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). However, eleven years on, there is still much to be done on the ground in terms of awareness and implementation of Accessibility. G3ict’s Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation (DARE) ... Read More
01 January 2019
The year 2018 has been a fairly active one for advocates of digital accessibility in India. Over the past year, some positive developments have been initiated and achieved. A most noteworthy one was the updating of the ‘Guidelines for Indian Government Websites' (GIGW) by the National Informatics Ce... Read More
01 April 2011
G3ict, W3C and CIS co-organised a panel on 30 March 2011 in the W3C track at the Twentieth International World Wide Web Conference in Hyderabad. The panel discussed Web accessibility evaluation methodologies and their challenges and practical technical survey methodologies alternatives. The panel wa... Read More