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G3ict at the 15th Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP15)

Start Date: June 14, 2022

End Date: June 16, 2022

Location: New York

Venue: United Nations Headquarters


G3ict logo with the UN COSP15 banner Text Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

The 15th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is scheduled to take place at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters, New York, from June 14 to 16, 2022. The over-arching theme of the 15th session is 'Building disability-inclusive and participatory societies in the COVID context and beyond.' Visit the UNDESA website for more details.

As an ECOSOC and COSP-accredited organization, G3ict organized, co-hosted or participated in the following events:

Pre-event: On June 9, Dr. Mohammed A. Loutfy, Director Capacity Building and Advocacy, G3ict, participated in a Training Session on Accessibility and Sensitivity Awareness at the United Nations (UN). The training was intended to be a conversation on the reality experienced by persons with disabilities at UNHQ and how inclusion could be best mobilized to provide equality for all.

COSP15 Civil Society Forum

June 13, from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET (US & Canada):

Under the auspices of the 15th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN CRPD, the 2022 Virtual Civil Society Forum will highlight current issues relevant to the disability movement and realization of the CRPD ahead of COSP15. It will provide additional space for civil society to make its own contributions and allow civil society to share and capture important issues.

The second panel dialogue, "Knowledge Sharing for Inclusive Education in Digital Classroom"(10:50-11:30 am ET) was moderated by James Thurston, G3ict Vice President for Global Strategy and Development.

The right to inclusive education is essential for inclusion in society. Persons with disabilities continue to be denied their right to education due to barriers including social norms, attitudes, infrastructure, environment, legislation, and a lack of resources. Digital classrooms are creating new opportunities for universal design for learning for all persons with disabilities, including for persons historically at high risk of institutionalization, including persons with psychosocial disabilities and intellectual disabilities. However, some digital classrooms may also present new barriers. This panel will explore the opportunities and barriers to inclusion that these non-traditional classrooms present. View the session recording.

COSP15 Side Event, G3ict co-hosted

June 15, from 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM ET (US & Canada):

Building Capacity to Implement Accessibility Policies (Organized by European Disability Forum)

Live Captioning and International Sign Interpretation are provided.

Session Moderator: Catherine Naughton, Director, European Disability Forum


  • Sachin Dev Pavithran, Executive Director, United States Access Board
  • Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior Expert on Disability, Director General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
  • Przemysław Herman, Deputy Director Ministry of Funds and Regional Development, representative of the Polish Access Board
  • Roxana Widmer-Iliescu, Senior Coordinator for Digital Inclusion at International Telecommunication Union
  • Axel Leblois, President and CEO, G3ict and International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
  • Katrin Langensiepen, Member of the European Parliament
  • Jennifer Chadwick, Senior Accessibility and Inclusive Design Consultant, Siteimprove
  • Alejandro Moledo, Head of Policy, European Disability Forum

Concept Note

COSP15 General Debate

June 15, from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET (US & Canada):
statement, delivered on behalf of G3ict, by Dr. Mohammed A. Loutfy, Director Capacity Building and Advocacy, G3ict.

"Call for Action" for States Parties to Promote Digital Accessibility Skills and Ensure the Engagement of Persons with Disabilities in Inclusive ICT Policy. Read the G3ict Statement. Watch the video.

COSP15 Side Event Organized by G3ict

June 16, from 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET (US & Canada):

Scaling-up the Availability and Access to Assistive Technology Software

Session Chair: Mohammed A. Loutfy, Ph.D., Director, Capacity Building and Advocacy, G3ict

Opening Remarks: H.E. Ambassador Luis Gallegos (Ecuador), G3ict Board of Directors Chair


  • Matt Ater, Vice President, Corporate Business Development, Vispero
  • Trevor Prevatt, Director, Stakeholder Engagement, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
  • Carmen Millán, Director, Centre of Assistive Technology and Innovation (CTI), ONCE (National Organization of Spanish blind people)
  • Tania Athanasia Kalaitzidis, Manager, Media Accessibility Project, CUNY Assistive Technology Services, City University of New York

Watch the session recording (coming soon). Download transcription in English and Spanish.
* International Sign Language, Live Captioning, Spanish interpretation will be provided.