Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and a Challenge

Date: November 2012
Language: English
Author: José Miguel Guzmán, Ann Pawliczko, Sylvia Beales, Celia Till and Ina Voelcker
Publisher: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, and HelpAge International, London
Format: PDF
Size: 2.8 MB
Pages: 192
DownloadThis report aims to raise awareness about the speed of population ageing and, more generally, about the experience of being old in our changing world. It recommends moving urgently to incorporate ageing issues into national development plans and poverty reduction strategies.
This report, a collaborative effort of the United Nations and other major international organizations working in the area of population ageing, sheds light on progress towards implementing this Plan. It utilizes both a quantitative approach analysing policies and actions, and a qualitative approach bringing the voices of older persons themselves into the heart of the discussion.