Slideshow – Featured Publications
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April 2021 | English | Pages: 15
The Digital Inclusion and ICT Accessibility in Museums Survey Report details key findings from the online survey conducted among 161 representatives of 125 Russian museums.

May 2020 | English | Pages: 40
The State of Digital Accessibility Report 2020 by Level Access, G3ict, & IAAP, draws on the data gathered in the State of Digital Accessibility Survey to provide insights into overall industry trends.

January 2020 | English | Pages: 22
The survey report provides insights from specialists working in or with courts about technology and access to justice.

By: International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
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DownloadOctober 2019 | English | Pages: 18
The report summarizes findings from a survey undertaken by IAAP, a division of G3ict, to learn what resources and tools are being used to manage and grow accessibility programs and outcomes.

June 2019 | English | Pages: 31
The survey provides unique insights on the actual usage & perceived usefulness of multiple digital accessibility features & assistive tech that are widely available to persons with disabilities.

May 2019 | English | Pages: 18
New research by the Centre for Inclusive Design reveals that people who experience difficulty accessing or using products and services are often not included in the design process.

November 2018 | English | Pages: 65
The Presentation by After Access looks at the results of the survey to understand access and use of ICTs in Nepal among age 15-65 population and age 15-65 PWD population.
November 2018 | English | Pages: 8
This report, based on the 2017-2018 DARE Index data collection and analysis, provides an overall assessment of the progress made by States Parties to the CRPD.
November 2018 | English | Pages: 5
This report, based on the 2017-2018 DARE Index data collection and analysis, highlights the top 10 countries implementing the ICT accessibility dispositions of the CRPD.

August 2018 | English | Pages: 56
This report aims to examine the ways in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) were used by persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Myanmar.

November 2017 | English | Pages: 24
A Global Analysis of the Readiness of Countries to Monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations for Persons with Disabilities

October 2017 | English | Pages: 30
A global study to track the progress made by CRPD ratifying States Parties in terms of ICTs and ATs
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