Finding the Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of Disability Laws in the United States to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Date: May 2008
Language: English
Author: John R. Vaughn
Publisher: The National Council on Disability
Format: DOC
Size: 494 KB
Pages: 139
Download"Finding the Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of Disability Laws in the United States to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" was written by John Vaughn, the Chairperson of the National Council on Disability. The purpose of this paper is to help the NCD, and others, better understand how the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, if ratified by the United States, might impact U.S. disability laws by examining the degree to which U.S. law is consistent with the CRPD. The paper endeavors to analyze the issue in the way a treaty monitoring body would - to see if any area within federal law contravenes the Convention and/or whether there are gaps where legislation or practice might be introduced or reformed to ensure compliance.