Universal Design Toolkit for Customer Engagement

Date: March 2013
Language: English
Publisher: National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Format: PDF
Size: 8.28 MB
Pages: 64
Download"Universal Design for Customer Engagement Toolkit" provides comprehensive best practice guidance on achieving better customer communication. The Universal Design Toolkit for Customer Engagement was developed by Dolmen (www.dolmen.ie) on behalf of the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority, Ireland.
The Toolkit is based on the specifications contained in the Irish Standard (I.S.) 373:2013 ‘Universal Design for customer engagement in tourism services’, published by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI). This Toolkit has been developed to help you apply the guidance provided in the standard. It provides you with practical and useful guidance on how to use Universal Design as a tool for better engaging with your customers.