Wireless Phones: Survey of Users Needs

Date: March 2009
Language: English
Author: Various
Publisher: Georgia Tech Wireless RERC
Format: DOC
Size: 349.5 KB
Pages: 15
DownloadThis is the second in a series of annual reports based on data collected from the Survey of User Needs (SUN), an ongoing survey conducted by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies (Wireless RERC).
The original Survey of User Needs (SUN1.0) was conducted from 2001-2006, with more than 1200 people responding to that survey. In 2007, the SUN was revised and data collection began with version 2.0 in April 2007.
By December 2007, over 1200 participants had completed SUN 2.0. A year later, another 348 respondents had completed the survey for a total of 1556. 1406 respondents reported one or more functional limitations such as difficulty in learning or remembering, difficulty in doing manual tasks, or difficulty in seeing or hearing. Download the report for survey findings.