Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Assistive Technology and Information and Communication Technology Requirements: Where Do We Stand on Implementation?

Date: November 2014
Language: English
Author: Martin Gould, Axel Leblois, Francesca Cesa Bianchi and Viviana Montenegro
Publisher: Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology Journal, with a G3ict contribution
Format: PDF
Size: 183 KB
Pages: 6
DownloadThis article presents 2013 data from a survey provided by G3ict and Disabled People's International (DPI). Authors: Martin Gould, Axel Leblois, Francesca Cesa Bianchi, and Viviana Montenegro | Published November 2014 in the Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology Journal.
The paper answers the question, ‘‘Where do we stand on the implementation of CRPD provisions as relates to ATs and ICTs?’’ It presents a subset of data from the 2013 edition of the Progress Report. The subset of data reflects the degree to which key dispositions of the CRPD on ATs and ICTs are actually enacted by respondent countries – with a particular emphasis on low resource countries – in local laws, policies and regulations and their actual impact.