Disability Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Management: A Toolkit for Practice in South Asia

Date: January 2012
Language: English
Author: Claire O’Meara
Publisher: Handicap International
Format: PDF
Size: 15.1 MB
Pages: 156
DownloadThis toolkit has been designed for use by disaster risk management practitioners and policy makers who wish to understand more about how to make community based disaster risk management inclusive of persons with disabilities. Its content is based on knowledge and practices gathered from our work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Published by Handicap International, 2012.
The Toolkit establishes the rationale for inclusion, the challenges and opportunities which exist in implementation and provides technical advice and tools for putting theory into practice. It aims to be a point of reference to be used during policy and project development, as well as a tool to support good practice in implementation. It is not expected that users will have prior knowledge of disability, although familiarity with disaster risk management at community level is necessary as the document does not seek to repeat information about CBDRM found elsewhere. puf.