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Universal Access in Information and Communication Technologies

Date: May 2012

Language: English

Author: Axel Leblois

Publisher: The World Bank, with a G3ict contribution

Format: PDF

Size: 865 KB

Pages: 47


This is a paper presented by Axel Leblos, G3ict Executive Director, at the World Bank Inaugural Disability and Development Core Course 2012 organized from May 7-11, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

The World Bank’s Disability and Development Core Course provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the conceptual and practical issues involved in the implementation of inclusive economic and social policies that are relevant for persons with disabilities in developing countries. The course objectives were to:

  • Increase knowledge on disability, its social and economic relevance and development policies and programs responsive to the needs of persons with disabilities; and
  • Increase understanding of the main issues involved in the process of including disability into development: overall and at the level of sectoral policies and programs.

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