Slideshow – Featured Publications

March, 2015 | English | Pages: 31
Accessible Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are indeed key enablers of education, innovation and new employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

February, 2015 | English | Pages: 68
This report highlights the organizational and process adjustments needed to ensure a culture of accessibility in the financial services and banking sector

February, 2015 | English | Pages: 16
As adoption of smart mobile devices becomes more mainstream, app developers face the increasingly crucial task of designing mobile browsers that are accessible, user-friendly

January, 2015 | English | Pages: 40
This G3ict White Paper picks up and builds on the topics addressed at the 8th European e-Accessibility Forum, held on 31 March 2014 at the Cité des Sciences in Paris.

By: Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology Journal, with a G3ict contribution
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Size: 183 KB
November, 2014 | English | Pages: 6
This article presents 2013 data from a survey provided by G3ict and Disabled People's International (DPI).

November, 2014 | English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish | Pages: 134
This report is designed as a tool for national policy-makers and regulators to create their own ICT accessibility policy frameworks.

March, 2014 | English | Pages: 28
The past 70 years have brought a renaissance in the delivery of video programming. Accordingly, the need for third-party captioning has grown exponentially.

March, 2014 | English | Pages: 40
This G3ict White Paper follows discussions from the 7th European e-Accessibility Forum organized by the Association BrailleNet and Universcience in Paris, France, on March 18, 2013.

March, 2014 | English | Pages: 38
A G3ict-DPI Report Assessing the Degree of Compliance of States Parties with the ICT Accessibility Provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

January, 2014 | English | Pages: 79
The publication has been drafted by Amanda Watkins of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education ( with the technical support of Axel Leblois of G3ict

September, 2013 | English | Pages: 78
Synthesis report of the ICT Consultation in support of the High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development of the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly |

By: UNDESA, Division for Social Policy and Development, with a G3ict contribution
Format: PDF
Size: 47 KB
July, 2013 | English | Pages: 9
The outcomes of the meeting are intended to provide important inputs to the work of the Commission for Social Development