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By: U.K.'s Housing Learning & Improvement Network

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Size: 535 KB


July 2012 | English | Pages: 18

This paper reviews the current policy and practice in relation to Assistive Technology supporting people to live well with dementia

By: The World Bank, with a G3ict contribution

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Size: 865 KB


May 2012 | English | Pages: 47

This is a paper presented by Axel Leblos, G3ict Executive Director, at the World Bank Inaugural Disability and Development Core Course 2012 organized from May 7-11, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

By: BSR, Business for Social Responsibility

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Size: 2 MB


May 2012 | English | Pages: 49

The purpose of this report is to assess socioeconomic opportunities and challenges

By: A.T. Kearney

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Size: 5.1 MB


March 2012 | English | Pages: 26

This publication seeks to address one of the major issues identified for the slow uptake and adoption of Mobile Health.

By: G3ict

Format: PDF

Size: 475 KB


March 2012 | English, German | Pages: 20

From both a business and a disability rights perspective, this paper describes the value for organizations of adopting techniques to produce accessible web content compliant with global standards.

By: Donovan Group LLC

Format: PDF

Size: 864.34 KB


March 2012 | English | Pages: 27

The intent of this paper is to inform those grappling with how to position disability as a new market segment, and speak to the market in an economic context

By: G3ict

Format: PDF

Size: 715 KB


March 2012 | English | Pages: 32

This G3ict White Paper seeks to document the discussions that took place at the 5th European e-Accessibility Forum (March 2011) organized by BrailleNet in Paris.

By: Commonwealth Secretariat Marlborough House

Format: PDF

Size: 8.6 MB


January 2012 | English | Pages: 365

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires the development of an inclusive education system for all.

By: PriceWaterCoopers

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Size: 3.1 MB


January 2012 | English | Pages: 44

This is a global research study about the opportunities and challenges of mobile health from the perspective of patients, payers and providers.

By: G3ict, The Centre for Internet and Society, The Hans Foundation

Format: PDF

Size: 354 KB


January 2012 | English | Pages: 74

This is the third edition of the Web Accessibility Policy Making: An International Perspective (Revised Edition 2012) white paper jointly researched by G3ict,

By: Time Warner Cable 'Research Program on Digital Communications'

Format: PDF

Size: 2.3 MB


January 2012 | English | Pages: 56

For a person with a disability, the impact of broadband can be truly life-altering. It can empower social networking, mentoring, and connecting with the broader world.

By: G3ict

Format: PDF

Size: 1.2 MB


January 2012 | English | Pages: 52

A G3ict-DPI Report Assessing the Degree of Compliance of States Parties with the ICT Accessibility Provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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